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Project of the Year

Groundwater Replenishment System

Project of the Year

Since 2008, the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), already the world’s largest indirect potable reuse facility, has been recycling treated wastewater into high-quality drinking water, and has produced more than 400 billion gallons of water. It now has another impressive notch in its belt: recycling 100% of OC San’s reclaimable wastewater flows as of December 2022. The GWRS can now produce up to 130 million gallons of drinking water a day (MGD), serving nearly one million people in north and central Orange County. The Final Expansion project included expanding the Advanced Water Treatment Facility, constructing a new pump station and two flow equalization tanks, rehabilitating a pipeline, and modifying OC San’s headworks to be able to segregate reclaimable and non-reclaimable flows.

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