Roadway & Highway Project
Randolph Avenue Parking and Multi-Modal Circulation Improvements

The City of Costa Mesa completed multi-modal transportation improvements on Randolph Avenue between Bristol Street and Baker Street and on St. Clair Street to increase available on-street parking, slow traffic on Randolph Avenue, and provide improved pedestrian safety and mobility. A modern roundabout was constructed at the intersection of Randolph Avenue and St. Clair Street with new street lighting, pedestrian crosswalks, and landscaping. The project included installation of four sets of speed cushions and a raised mid-block crosswalk on Randolph Avenue with a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB). In addition, the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Randolph Avenue at Baker Street was completed on the north end of the project. This project added over 60 on-street parking spaces in this neighborhood, slowed traffic speeds on Randolph Avenue, improved multi-modal circulation, and enhanced walkability in the community. The design was completed in 2021 and construction was completed in October 2022.