We want to extend our thanks to everyone who attended our recent dinner presentation on Thursday, October 17! It was wonderful to see so many familiar and new faces from our geotech community, and to enjoy an engaging presentation on geotechnical forensics. We hope you found the discussions as informative and valuable as we did.
A special thanks to our speaker, Taki Chrysovergis, PE, GE, for his time and expertise, and to our sponsors — KELLER, Western Ground Improvement, and Project X Corrosion Engineering — for their generous support. Lastly, we would like to thank our Past-Chair, Sunil Arora, PE, who had officially rolled off our G-I Board. Thank you, Sunil, for your support and dedication to our group for the past few years! Stay tuned for upcoming events — we can’t wait to connect again! We're looking for new board members for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year! Please contact us at gi@asceoc.org for more details on the open positions.

About the Author:
Adeleine J. Tran, PE, is a Senior Geotechnical Project Engineer at Jacobs' Irvine office. Adeleine earned her M.S. and B.S. from the University of California, Berkeley. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, traveling, and trying out new restaurants and coffee shops. Adeleine has been a board member of ASCE OC G-I since 2018 and is currently in her last year serving as the G-I Past Chair. For any inquiries or food recommendations, Adeleine can be reached via adeleine.tran@outlook.com and LinkedIn.